I finally made it to the Ocean!!! It's beautiful and salty, I love that combination : ). So it's lovely to be here! I missed Eric because he is shark diving...yeah I know. Eric would rather be in a cage in shark infested waters than see me, his wonderful and only little sister before she leaves overseas. I see where his priorities are and accept them : ) I'm thinking of pranking him somehow before I leave, I would love suggestions!
Yesterday I got to go to Wednesday night service at St. Micheal's and it was incredible!!! Kristen Madison led worship and she did such a great job. It's incredible to see how people grow, and how when they find their talent they just flourish!!! Again that's incredibly corny but I love it : ) I got another blessing!!! I am so touched to have so many people supporting what I'm doing and I can't wait to go out and be their hands. It hit me yesterday, the fact that so many people want to reach out. That I have an incredible opportunity and the means to do it, and that is not always the case. I'm privileged to be able to reach places that not everyone can get to. One of our regulars at Powers and Stetson (Starbucks) gave me support money, and even though we had a relationship it just really blew me away that someone I didn't know outside of work would give me support in that way, and she just said, "Thank you for being my hands, I've always wanted to do missions but I have never had the means to do it." That really humbled me, and put what I'm doing into perspective.
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