Sunday, September 11, 2011

Church of the Ressurection

I had a busy weekend of Desert and driving. 
First we drove two hours to Yucca Valley to see Fr. Aaron and Lily Appleby so I wouldn't miss them before I go on my mission.  It was great seeing all the new things they did around the church, a chicken coop being one.  They also have an awesome garden so we ate stuff that they grew, I LOVE THAT!!!! : ) For any of you who didn't know I plan to have my own farm one day and live off the land...
It was a great time catching up with them and I got prayer before I left and some great words of encouragement to keep me going when I'm gone.

After leaving Yucca Valley we headed East for another hour to Rancho Mirage for a wedding.  Megan and Alex finally got married : ) We all knew it was going to happen, ever since their crazy minds found each other in High School. They are perfect for each other, they love to jump off things, and skate down huge hills.  The higher risk of injury, the better : ) They made it to the wedding, and their beautiful son James was the ring bearer. It was insanely hot, but a great service and great people. 

We then headed back West to Hemet where we finally stopped, and stayed for the night.  This morning I went to church for the first time in a year at Church of the Resurrection my home church.  It was an incredible service full of prayer and healing.  I got to share about my mission, and why I am going to another country, instead of staying here. Everyone in the church prayed for me and I just got huge support for what I'm doing.

I can't wait until I leave.  It's going to be incredible being in a new atmosphere, and being able to help people. The classes hopefully will help me find out what's next.  I love the idea of being a missionary, and I hope I can do it, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it.  I've been helping out my brother and sister in law for a year hoping that the next thing would line up.  Hoping that my life path would suddenly become clear and I would move from one place to the next, but I feel like all I got was another waiting area.  Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for this waiting area, I get to reach out and share Christ with people, and hopefully set people free.  But, I just really hope that God opens up the door for me, and answers the, "Why am I here?" question.  I'm praying that God uses me in whatever capacity that he can while I'm on this mission, and that I get a clear answer on where he wants me to be for long-term.  So any of you reading this, that's my prayer request : ) I guess we will know in about 6 months time.

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