Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Re Entry

I'm home.
I think I'm excited.
It's definitely extreme, I get excited for whats next and then anxious and feel very convicted that I'm not thinking in the present.  So this is where I am going to stay...

Thank you God for everything, for my new brothers and sisters, for all the experiences, and all the growth.

I'm working out now how to go from Holmsted, the routine, and the set apart time to seek God to here where it is all on my own time.  I have to make it happen, and I am trying.  It's amazing how easy it is, but also amazing how hard it is.  So I have made a plan, which I love to do and I have about 20 lists with sub headings and notes to the side which I learned from my amazing friend Audra : )

In the next 6 months I plan to
-Work off my debt
-Take Music Lessons
  -Guitar, Piano, Voice
-Save Money
During this time I will be involved in Ministry including but not limited to : )
Moses House, Kairos, and conversation.

I want to be in England again asap, and also plan to be visiting France a fair amount : )

In England I want to glean and take in everything I can about leadership and worship from the wonderful Traci and Johnny Dixon and from the many many talented musicians at Holmsted.

After this time of gleaning I want to head to Berklee School of Music and become a Music Therapist : ) where I intend to use my degree at the Villa for member/pastoral care with the beautiful people of Spain and North Africa

Good Plan? I know I like it to...but God knows and I am giving it all to him : )


1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing person, miss Emily! You've already achieved so much and so much more is coming!

    I miss you.

    -Jasmine Pope
