So I had a huge list today : )
Because it makes me feel better to check things off, it is so...satisfying.
I got most of them done and I found out something really cool.
I HAVE A DEGREE...I've HAD a degree : ) who knew that when you take classes, classes, and more classes it could add up to something.
So I decided to drop into the VVC counseling office to get a rough idea of where I am, and was directed to a counselor to do a grad check. While waiting for my appointment I talked to some people and it was amazing how many people were willing to just chat with me. I haven't had that type of conversation since leaving Morocco and I was so happy to find it here.
The most amazing conversation I had though, was with a woman named Melanie. She walked in with a friend and seemed bewildered, not knowing whether to go up to the desk, grab a number, or even where to grab a number if she decided to do so : ). I watched this and smiled at her and then God just really pushed me to reach out to this woman and ask her about her relationship with God.
What did I do? I didn't ask her that...I got nervous about all the people sitting around so I just made small talk. After they left I prayed that God would PLEASE send her back so I could talk more with her. HE DID!!! She walked in and I said, what are you doing here? Are you here often? Why are you here?
She said she just got out of prison...earlier than she thought she would, and she is trying to stay on the right path!!!! I said how are you? can I pray for you? She said yes! sure you can pray for me, so I said I will and then gave her huge hug because I was stinking proud of her...I can't imagine overcoming something like that! Thank God for this woman and for a sense of perspective. I commend her, and I will be praying for her, I hope you will too.
Tomorrows list...
-please God!
Follow your heart!!!