So last week...we learned some really cool things about God, and I mean incredible : ) We learned 3 main points that just help you see your Identity and when you have confidence in yourself and your relationship with God then you can have incredible relationship with the people around you. The more you fall in love with God, your capacity to love grows so here are are some corny yet really important keys to who God is and who you are in him.
1)God is who He says He is.
2)I am who God says I am.
3)I can do what God says I can do.
I really think that this can be vital to realizing your potential, and doing big things with Christ. Anyways there is my corny encouragement. Enjoy : )
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Week of Evangelism in Bethnal Green
So Nov. 5th until the 12th 210 Ywammers have been in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in a place called Bethnal Green, it was an incredible time of learning and putting it into practice. We arrived Saturday afternoon at around 3 o clock and the rest of is slowly trickled in through out the weekend. By Monday we were out on the streets prayer walking and picture hunting, with a couple creative outreaches set up all around Bethnal Green. That evening Yan (one of our wonderful speakers) taught that Evangelism and Discipleship are the same and that there are steps to someone coming to God. No step is greater or less than the other but without one you can't get to the next. He also split up different callings within Evangelism. Whether you are a connector, planner, preparation it doesn't change the importance, they are all valid and essential to sharing the Gospel. The next day we started bright and early with Intercession and another teacher but this time from an exceedingly exuberant woman named Connie who seemed to have a contagious joy flowing from her and onto us. To be honest it was a little scary but I really wanted to have to joy she had in following God's heart and not man's. She spoke on conquering the Fear of Man and how to be in the Fear of God. Again we were sent out and this time I did a little something called Picture hunting...this is going to sound crazy to some but we sat down and prayed and then drew a picture to encourage someone and to reach out to someone and then we just walked. There was a lot of God's guidance and in the end he led us to a church and told us to wait and as we were waiting a wonderful woman walked into the church and we were just able to love on her and to build her up it was wonderful : ) Through out the week I felt like I was growing and changing and coming out of my comfort zone I had more than a couple God sent meetings...and I am extremely excited for what comes next!!! Thanks for the support!!!
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