Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ok, first blog!! I apologize in advance, I'm not much of a blogger and I have poor grammar : ) This blog may be like nails on a chalkboard to those of you who know and abide by the proper rules of grammar, but this is the best way to let everyone know whats going on, so I will apologize now for my lack of correct punctuation and/or my misuse of it. 

On that note, most of you know I'm going on a YWAM trip to Holmsted Manor in West Sussex England.  For those of you who don't know here is a link .  A few months ago I sent out support letters and got tons of response that completely exceeded my expectations, it's so incredible to know that the people you love are supporting you : ) 

I'm leaving soon!!! In about 3 weeks and it blows my mind at how quickly its come up. I don't feel anywhere near prepared but I guess that's normal, I probably won't : / I'm hoping to be and I am working toward being prepared in all the tangible things though, raising enough money to actually go on this trip : )getting my visa, passport, immunizations, and background check taken care of. So  please pray for me to get these things taken care of! It's a lot harder to do than I thought.

And yet another request! I love getting cards and letters, random notes : ) and of course you will get postcards and letters back!!! My address as of September 21 is going to be
 Holmsted Manor
Staplefield Road
West Sussex
RH17 5JF

Can't wait to hear from you and thank you so much for your prayers!!!